Fleet Insurance

Insure Your Big Rig Now!
Fleet$avings offers comprehensive and affordable trucking insurance. This is critical to protecting your assets and cargo on the road.
Fleet$avings offers a nation-wide insurance solution for you with broad coverage at a great price. Our insurance programs specialize in transportation and have an excellent reputation for superior service and great rates.
Our A+ markets offer nationwide insurance advantages like:
Monthly Reporting
Premium financing to improve cash flow
Hands-on Safety and DOT Compliance Expertise
State-of-the-art online certificates
Workers' Compensation with no down payment, deposits, or audits
Risk Management solutions
Preferred user pricing
For All Questions Regarding Fleet Insurance
Micky Miller

Fleet$avings Trucker Duck
Trucker Duck "Check out our exclusive supplemental benefits program from AFLAC. The Trucker Duck program is specifically designed for truckers with discounted premiums and is only available through Fleet$avings. It gives you and your company the affordable coverage you need and can greatly enhance your current health insurance program. There is no cost to your company to offer this. By having your employees pay their premiums with pre-tax dollars it reduces your payroll tax impact each payroll period."
What Aflac Has To Offer
Accident Insurance: Aflac offers supplemental accident insurance that helps with what your health insurance plan might not cover. They pay cash benefits directly to you (unless assigned otherwise) to be used however you choose.
Critical Illness: You can use their critical illness insurance to help with the treatment costs of life-changing illnesses and health events, so you can stay focused on recuperation.
Cancer Insurance: Aflac cancer insurance is here to help you and your family better cope financially—and emotionally—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs. Added comfort and protection means the freedom to focus on more important things.
Dental Insurance: Good oral care is a key step in maintaining your overall health. But dental care can be expensive. Even cleaning and X-rays could strain your budget – and if a checkup reveals more serious issues, the costs could quickly become overwhelming.
Fleet$avings Non–Trucking Liability (BOBTAIL) and Physical Damage
Protection for Owner-Operators
A+ rated insurance company
Fast coverage
6 different payment options
An easy, convenient way to pay your bill
24/7 Claims service, 365 days a year
Whether or not you’re under dispatch, under permanent lease, or not, you need protection while on the road. That’s where our Bobtail liability and physical damage insurance comes in. It’s adjustable to meet your needs, it’s portable between leases.
Fleet$avings is here to help you protect your investments and create a relationship that will help keep you moving in the right direction. We look forward to having a conversation with you soon.

Do You Have A Fleet$avings Fuel Card?
We believe in helping truckers fuel up without being slammed with fees. Check out the amazing perks that come with our fuel card. No monthly minimums, huge discounts, lines of credit, largest network of fueling locations on the market, AND SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR MONTHLY BILLING.
(Micky Miller mickym@fleetsavings.net 423-280-2875)